Welcome to Rochester Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of
Friends in Rochester, New York. 

We welcome all who wish to worship in the manner of Friends, also known as Quakers. We are an open and affirming community and embrace the diversity of all people.

Join us for unprogrammed Meeting for Worship in person or via Zoom from 11:00 - 12:00 Sundays

Email us at rfm.co.clerk@gmail.com for the Zoom link

New to Friends? Check out our Resources for newcomers.

Friends in worship

We meet in the Downtown United Presbyterian Church at 121 Fitzhugh Street. Park across the street in the City Hall lot (it’s free on Sunday). Use the left entrance to enter the church, go up the short flight of stairs, turn left at the reception desk, and enter Hallock Lounge. 

Alternatively, you can use the wheelchair ramp at the right of the main entrance to the church.

Infant through pre-teen childcare is provided during worship.