Unprogrammed Quaker worship follows the form established by the earliest members of the Religious Society of Friends. Since the 17th century, Friends have gathered together in silence and stilled our bodies and minds so that we may be better able to listen to the Holy Spirit in our midst.
Our discipline takes the form of suspending our own wishes and expectations, our own knowledge and opinions, in order to be open to the living word of God. We come without prepared messages or written prayers, without arguments or agendas, and we wait together for what may arise out of our prayerful silence.
God may speak to us through one of the people present, and anyone who is moved by the Spirit may offer a prayer, a spoken message, or a song.
Worship is over when a designated person feels the time is right, usually after an hour. Following announcements, snacks (“hospitality”) are offered in the meeting room, while those on Zoom have an opportunity for informal sharing. This is a good time to ask questions.